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California's Eastern Sierra
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 October 2013


19 October 2013, Saturday      top

Sinuous Nude Woman at Dawn

Sinuous Nude Woman at Dawn, 7:18 AM. (Canon 5D Mark III, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS at 89mm, f/5.6 at 1/100.)


Standing Stone Against the Water

Standing Stone Against the Water, 7:52 AM. (Canon 5D Mark III, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS at 106mm, f/7.1 at 1/8, hand-held as always — that's why I use an IS lens! Split-toned print.)


Lee Vining Motel

Lee Vining Motel, 1:41 PM. (2013 LEICA M typ 240, 2003 LEICA MACRO-ELMAR-M 90mm f/4, f/11 at 1/250 at ISO 200.)


Crying Eyes for the Ignorance of Socialists, Devil's Ranch

Crying Eyes for the Ignorance of Socialists, Devil's Ranch, 2:47 PM. (2013 LEICA M typ 240, 2003 LEICA MACRO-ELMAR-M 90mm f/4, f/5.6 at 1/125 at ISO 200, split-toned print.)


Unsquare and Unholy, Devil's Ranch

Unsquare and Unholy, Devil's Ranch, 2:50 PM. (2013 LEICA M typ 240, 2003 LEICA MACRO-ELMAR-M 90mm f/4, f/8 at 1/125 at ISO 200, split-toned print.)


The New Depression 2013,

The New 2013 Depression, 3:02 PM. (2013 LEICA M typ 240, 2012 LEICA SUPER-ELMAR-M 21mm f/3.4 ASPH, f/3.4 at 1/24 at ISO 320, split-toned print.)

Pine in Sunbeam, Lee Vining Creek

Pine in Sunbeam, Lee Vining Creek, 4:00 PM. (Fuji Velvia 50, 1996 Nikon 35Ti, flash ON, NCPS process and scan. I knew the 35Ti would calculate a perfect flash exposure based on distance. The branch was only about 18"/0.5m away, and the 35Ti also always nails perfect focus.)


Pine and Stone, Lee Vining Creek

Pine and Stone, Lee Vining Creek, 4:01 PM. (Fuji Velvia 50, 1996 Nikon 35Ti, NCPS process and scan.)


Aspen Leaves Backlit by the Afternoon Sun, Lundy Lake

Aspen Leaves Backlit by the Afternoon Sun, Lundy Lake, 4:28 PM. (Fuji Velvia 50, 1996 Nikon 35Ti, NCPS process and scan.)


Glowing Stump, Lundy Lake

Glowing Stump, Lundy Lake, 4:32 PM. (Fuji Velvia 50, 1996 Nikon 35Ti, NCPS process and scan.)


Backlit Fall Aspens with Sunburst

Backlit Fall Aspens with Sunburst, 4:45 PM. (2013 LEICA M typ 240, 1974 LEICA SUMMICRON-C 40mm f/2, f/11 at 1/90 at ISO 200.)


Tree Fire

Tree Fire, 4:51 PM. (2013 LEICA M typ 240, 2003 LEICA MACRO-ELMAR-M 90mm f/4, f/5.6 at 1/360 at ISO 200.)


Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods, June Lake Loop, 4:56 PM. (Fuji Velvia 50, 1996 Nikon 35Ti, NCPS process and scan.)


That's all for today. NEXT ->> 20 Oktober, Sunday


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